Harley Cowan

Welcome to Season 2 of the Diffusion Tapes. In our fourth episode, we share some time with atomic photographer Harley Cowan.

Harley Cowan is a photographer and architect based in Portland, Oregon. He shoots large format and has a keen interest in architectural heritage documentation and historical preservation. In our chat, we learn about his journey into analog photography and he shares some stories from his recent artist-in-residence located on a ship in the Arctic that he had just returned from.

Harley, thank you for sharing your story and just being an all-around great guy.

Recorded November 29, 2022. These are the Diffusion Tapes... 

Show notes

Harley Cowan

Oregon College of Art and Craft

Ray Bidegain

Portland Art Museum

Contact by Jake Shivery

Camerawork Gallery

Ken Hawkins

Blue Moon Camera and Machine

Oregon Caves

National Historic Preservation Act

Oregon Department of Transportation

National Park Service Artist Residency

Atomic Photographers Guild

Manhattan Project

Hanford Reservation

At Work in the Fields of the Bomb, by Robert Del Tredici

The Arctic Circle Artist Residency

Jake Shivery

Cory Kaufman

Portland Film Festival

Hollywood Theater Micro Cinema

The Diffusion Tapes are produced and hosted by Blue Mitchell and co-hosted by Michael Kirchoff