Mike Sakasegawa


Back in March of this year I had the pleasure of sitting down with photographer, writer, and podcaster Mike Sakasegawa while he was in Portland attending a conference. I became aware of Mike a few years back because of his own podcast called Keep the Channel Open where he primarily converses with photographers and writers. In our conversation we talk about his work, the authenticity of photography, his podcasting projects, and his progression as a photographer, writer, and activist. And of course we had to dissect his famous viral lemon video.

Recorded March 27th, 2019, All conversations are recorded face-to-face. These are… the Diffusion Tapes. 

 Show notes

Blue as guest on Keep the Channel Open podcast

AWP Conference

Medium Photography Festival

Mike Sakasegawa website

Keep The Channel Open Podcast

Likewise Media

Likewise Fiction Podcast

Series: All Good Things

Series: It Forgets you

Aline Smithson

Jeff Ascough

Blake Andrews

The lemon video

Little Shop of Horrors

Jerry Takigawa

Center for Photographic Art

Matika Wilbur

Matika Wilbur as guest on Keep the Channel Open podcast

The Lie Beneath the Story of My Family’s Asian American Dream

Toni Morrison